I was bullied as a kid, didn’t have many friends, and believe it or not, I had a hard time getting laid. Given where I started, where I ended up might seem impossible, but I am going to take you on the journey and explain as we go.
From a young age I was breaking the rules and trying to find boundaries that didn’t really exist. I’ve been through some pretty traumatic shit and the best way to describe my life would be a rollercoaster with the highest highs and the lowest lows. I’ve been rich, broke, and rich again. I’ve hung out with rock stars, rappers, movie stars, athletes, and DJs. I’ve been backstage at their shows, I’ve been to their parties, and it was cool. I’ll tell you about it. But ultimately it paled in comparison to the circus that my life became.
I’m going to explain what I learned about women and how to get laid with significantly less effort. What works with women will surprise you, but once you understand their subconscious thought process, my counterintuitive strategies will make perfect sense.
I’m going to tell you how I went from flat broke to making over $10 million in a single day. Don’t get your hopes up. This isn’t a get rich quick book. What I did won’t work for you, but the premise of the setup is universal.
I went from a guy who was made fun of relentlessly to “the most famous man in the world without a talent.” I’ll show you how I did that too, but once again, that probably isn’t going to work for you because most people are too afraid of judgement to own who they are and accept the controversy.
I wrote this entire book myself. I didn’t use a ghostwriter. I fact-checked everything, which meant going through thousands of pictures, and over a decade of text messages to verify it is one hundred percent authentic. This is the unvarnished truth, the good the bad and the ugly, not some highlight reel of my accomplishments.
I want all the people who said that I was their idol to understand exactly who they are looking up to. I am no hero. I’ve had more than my fair share of fuck ups, I’ve been selfish for the better part of my life, and the world might not be a better place for having me. But I am honest. From a young age, I wanted hot girls to like me, and I wanted to be rich so I wouldn’t have to listen to anybody’s bullshit. These are hardly lofty goals; I wasn’t trying to save the manatees here. I wanted to get tons of pussy, and I wanted total freedom. I achieved those things and all of my other fucked up, hedonistic goals beyond what I ever dreamed was possible. Surprisingly, I did so without ending up in prison, and I’ve lived to tell you about it.
This book gets progressively crazier as you continue reading, and everything will make sense by the end. No one has lived a life like I have, and it’s given me a unique understanding of how to attract women, the power of wealth and a look behind the curtain of fame. I learned how to get whatever I wanted, and I did it by mastering the art of the setup.
Finish the book, your life will be better for it.